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AAA Life Insurance Claim Denial

Purchasing life insurance should be like buying a bed: You do your research, shop around, find the one you like, hand over your money, and that’s that. So long as you pay your monthly premiums, you should rest easy knowing that you are covered in the event of a loss. You may need to update… Read More »

American General Life Insurance Claim Denials

Life insurance is meant to be something that you take care of once and then forget about until it matters. So long as you continue to pay your premium every month, you have the justifiable expectation that if you pass away, your loved ones will be taken care of. Unfortunately, many life insurance providers like… Read More »

American Memorial Life Insurance Claim Denial

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris are here to help you get the benefits you were inappropriately denied by American Memorial Life Insurance Company or other life insurance companies doing business in California. If your life insurance claim was wrongfully denied by American Memorial, or if you’ve been subject to other insurance… Read More »

American United Life Insurance Claim Denial

Life insurance is supposed to be a one-time chore. You shop for a plan, sign the papers, and then rest easy knowing that your family is protected so long as you continue paying your premiums. You may need to revisit your plan if your financial or family circumstances change (marriage, divorce, etc.), but for the… Read More »

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Claims

Losing a loved one in an accident is one of the hardest things any family can experience. The situation can be even more difficult when the death results in financial hardship. For example, if the person killed was the primary breadwinner, the family may not know where to turn for financial help. Accidental Death &… Read More »

Anthem ER Claim Denials

Coverage for an emergency room visit is a basic and crucial feature of any health insurance policy, and for good reason. The costs of being treated in the ER, while necessary and sometimes life-saving, can be astonishingly high and unaffordable without insurance coverage. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies are meeting their obligation to cover emergency… Read More »

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Assurity Life Insurance Claim Denial

Assurity Life Insurance Company is a Nebraska-based insurance company that includes three long-standing insurance companies: Assurity Life, Security Financial Life, and Direct Life. They issue a variety of life and disability insurance policies to individuals and employer-based plans across the country. Like many other insurance companies, Assurity has a history of denying legitimate life insurance… Read More »

Athene Life Insurance Claim Denial

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris are ready to help you fight back against an improper claim denial by Athene or other California life insurance companies. If your life insurance claim was denied by Athene, or if you’ve been subject to other insurance bad faith conduct, our Southern California insurance claim denial… Read More »

AXA Equitable Life Insurance Claim Denial

AXA Equitable and other big life insurance companies will sometimes do anything they can to avoid paying out on claims. Their business is based on collecting premiums, not paying out benefits. They may stretch and misinterpret language in the policy, medical evidence in the record, or other facts in order to deny a claim. You… Read More »

Berkshire Life Insurance Claim Denial

Berkshire Life and other life insurance companies are required to pay out claims that qualify according to the terms of their policies. Berkshire is only allowed to reject claims on certain grounds, many of which only apply if the claim is triggered within a certain time period. Despite these limitations, many life insurance companies try… Read More »

Blue Shield Overcharging

Did your health insurance premiums increase more than they should have? Did your insurance company raise your rates without telling you first? Both of these actions are illegal under California law, but our law firm has recently become aware of several instances where Blue Shield has engaged in this misconduct. We believe Blue Shield’s actions… Read More »

California Life Insurance Beneficiary Laws

The loss of a loved one, whether sudden or unexpected, can be devastating financially as well as emotionally. Life insurance is intended to provide a cushion and much-needed financial support during this difficult time. With prompt payment of a life insurance benefit, the beneficiaries can make sure the mortgage is paid and groceries are on… Read More »

Class Actions

In an insurance class action, one or more policyholders sues an insurance company on behalf of other policyholders who have suffered a similar fate. Often, insurance class actions are brought against insurance companies based on a uniform practice in denying certain types of claims. Other types of insurance class actions are based upon a fraud… Read More »


If you have been denied Coflex surgery for spinal stenosis, or if you paid out of pocket for Coflex because your insurance wouldn’t cover it, our California insurance law firm would like to hear from you. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the interior space of the spinal column in the neck (cervical spine) or… Read More »

Compensatory Damages for Wrongful Insurance Claim Denials

When an insurance claim is wrongfully denied, the impact on policyholders can be severe, leaving them without crucial financial support during challenging times. In California, if your insurance claim was denied in bad faith or in violation of the law, you may be entitled to compensatory damages. Read More »

Consequential Damages for Wrongful Insurance Claim Denials

Insurance policies are supposed to provide peace of mind and financial protection in times of need. However, when an insurance company wrongfully denies a claim, policyholders can face significant financial and emotional distress. Read More »

Defining Insurance Bad Faith in California

Insurance is the bedrock of economic and personal security in society. It provides policyholders with much-needed peace of mind, promising financial coverage when unpredictable events occur. When you purchase an insurance policy, you trust that the insurer will act in good faith, fulfilling their end of the contract and supporting you when adversity strikes. Read More »

Delayed Life Insurance Claim

You purchase a life insurance policy and pay your monthly premiums in order to have peace of mind knowing that your family will be provided for after your passing.  Life insurance can be a critical asset for surviving family members after the passing of a loved one, especially when the deceased party was the breadwinner… Read More »

Denials Based on Medical Necessity

When you are dealing with a serious illness or injury, you are looking for treatment and a cure.  When your doctor recommends a course of treatment, you want to follow your doctor’s recommendation.  If you have been on top of paying your health insurance premiums, you expect that your insurer will be on your side.… Read More »

Denied Disability Claims for Doctors

Unlike many other professions, even a minor injury or illness can cause a doctor to be unable to perform their duties either temporarily or permanently.  A surgeon who breaks a finger on their dominant hand is unable to perform surgeries.  If they lose that finger permanently, or if they suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or… Read More »

Emotional Distress Damages for Wrongful Insurance Claim Denials

Insurance is the bedrock of economic and personal security in society. It provides policyholders with much-needed peace of mind, promising financial coverage when unpredictable events occur. When you purchase an insurance policy, you trust that the insurer will act in good faith, fulfilling their end of the contract and supporting you when adversity strikes. Read More »

Examples of Bad Faith Health Insurance Practices

In the health insurance field, bad faith insurance practices occur when an insurer acts toward the policyholder with an improper motive or unreasonably denies, delays, or underpays a legitimate claim. In California, policyholders are protected under state law against such unethical practices. Read More »

Examples of Bad Faith Life Insurance Practices

Life insurance policies provide a crucial safety net for families and individuals, offering financial security during times of loss. However, when insurance companies fail to uphold their end of the bargain, policyholders and beneficiaries may face significant challenges. Read More »

Experimental Treatment Denials

Insurance companies will look for any reason to protect their bottom line by avoiding a payout.  One of the most common reasons cited for denial of coverage is that a form of treatment is “experimental,” meaning that the medical community does not yet accept it.  Experimental treatments are not covered by many policies, even when… Read More »

Failure to Investigate Claims

Insurance companies in California owe their customers a duty of good faith and fair dealing.  That means that insurance companies are required by contract and by law to respond appropriately to claims and only deny claims where they have good reason to do so.  If the company chooses to deny a claim for medical coverage,… Read More »

Farmers New World Life Insurance Claim Denial

Farmers New World Life is required to treat every life insurance claim with a neutral eye, paying out claims when the facts, the medical records, and the policy language indicate that a claim is valid. Farmers, like other big life insurance companies, often shirks this duty by rejecting claims that should be granted. Whether there… Read More »

Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris have dedicated decades of practice to helping Californians obtain the life insurance benefits they paid for. If you’ve been a customer of Fidelity and Guaranty Life Insurance Company, F&G, Fidelity National Financial, Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company of New York, or any other life insurance… Read More »

Genworth Life Insurance Denial

Big life insurance companies like Genworth make their money by selling insurance products and collecting premiums. They do not make their money by paying out on claims. Make no mistake: When you file a claim with Genworth or another life insurance company, the claims adjuster’s job is to find any reason they can to deny… Read More »

Globe Life Insurance Claim Denial

Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company is one of the largest providers of life insurance in the United States.  Like many other insurance companies, Globe Life has demonstrated that their number one priority is their own bottom line.  Many policy beneficiaries have either been wrongfully denied the payments that they are owed, or they have… Read More »

Glossary of Life Insurance Terms

Life insurance addresses critical needs of families in distress. Unfortunately for some, claims aren’t always honored in a timely fashion or fully paid, and some claims are altogether denied for one reason or another. Read More »

Group Long-Term Disability

Individual and group long-term disability (LTD) policies are governed by different sets of rules. Because of the governing law, claims are easier to deny in group policies. That law is, in fact, very favorable for insurers. If you have a disability claim with your group long-term disability insurance provider, you need seasoned legal advice and… Read More »

Guardian Long-Term Disability Insurance Denial

If you contract an illness or suffer a serious injury and are no longer able to work, you rely on your disability insurance to provide for your medical care, your expenses, and provide for your family.  Whether you purchase your own separate policy or are covered through your employer, you have the right to expect… Read More »

Hartford Disability Insurance Denial

Becoming disabled after an injury or illness can be disorienting and downright frightening.  You may find yourself unable to work, unable to perform regular daily activities with full steam, all while building up significant medical bills.  In those circumstances, you expect to rely on the disability or health insurance you purchased individually or that was… Read More »

Hartford Life Insurance Claim Denial

Big insurance providers like Hartford Life are constantly looking for any reason to deny coverage, whether for nitpicky reasons, lack of evidence, or entirely fabricated reasons.  If you have a life insurance claim that hasn’t paid out, for any reason, you have the right to know why.  Many times, you have the right to fight… Read More »

HMO Disputes

One of the most common types of managed care insurance systems is the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). This type of service provides the consumer with general health and wellness benefits including annual physical exams and gynecological appointments for women. Any other medical need outside of this general covering must first go through your general practitioner.… Read More »

Insurance Bad Faith

Even though insurance customers have signed written policy agreements with their providers, those are broken by insurers all the time. When this happens, it is called “insurance bad faith” and is in violation of their duty, which is known as the "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing." This term is unique to United… Read More »

Insurance Claim Denials That Might Not Include Punitive Damages

California law authorizes punitive damages in cases where the plaintiff can prove by “clear and convincing evidence” that the defendant acted in a way that showed “oppression, fraud, or malice.” When insurance companies unreasonably delay or deny insurance claims, or when they cancel policies or allow them to lapse for improper motives... Read More »

Insurance Policyholder Rights

Gianelli & Morris provides strong representation for California insurance policyholders who have been denied insurance coverage regarding medical treatment, as well as those who have been denied long-term care insurance benefits. Most people are surprised when an insurance claim is rejected. After all, the very reason we pay for health insurance is to cover the… Read More »

Insurance Refuses to Defend Legal Claim

When you buy a policy from an insurance company, you are buying security and peace of mind. You are paying for the knowledge that, should anything covered by the policy happen, you will be taken care of financially and logistically. Insurance companies, in turn, owe certain responsibilities to policyholders. They must not only pay what… Read More »

Jackson National Life Insurance Claim Denial

Life insurance is not supposed to be something that you worry about forever.  You shop for policies, work with an insurance agent, and purchase a policy.  After that, so long as you keep up with your premiums, you and your family know that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your… Read More »

John Hancock Life Insurance Claim Denial

When you get your life insurance set up, it is a relief.  It is one item on your list you can check off, knowing that when you or your loved ones pass away, your family will be taken care of.  All you need to do is keep up with your monthly or annual premiums, or… Read More »

Liberty Mutual Long-Term Disability Denial

A serious illness or injury can upend your life.  You can find yourself unable to drive or perform other daily tasks, managing pain and recovery, and facing mounting medical bills.  When your injury prevents you from working long-term, you must be able to rely on your disability insurance policy to provide for your healthcare, your… Read More »

Life Insurance Company of the Southwest

Life Insurance Company of the Southwest (Southwest Life), like other life insurance companies, sells you a story. They tell you that when you sign up for a policy and pay your premiums, you’re getting protection, security, and peace of mind. Once you purchase your policy, your loved ones are forever protected should unfortunate circumstances come… Read More »

Lincoln Financial Insurance Claim Denial

Insurance companies make money by assuming that individual policyholders and beneficiaries don’t ask questions.  They deny claims, offer lowball settlements, and otherwise try to avoid paying what they owe, betting on the fact that most people will just accept what they are told. Read More »

Lipedema Treatment Denials

Lipedema is a serious medical condition that affects nearly 11% of women across the world. Despite the debilitating nature of the condition and the availability of effective treatments, many people who suffer from Lipedema are unable to access therapeutic procedures due to the overwhelming cost, or if they manage to do so are left in… Read More »

MassMutual Claim Denial

MassMutual is one of the largest providers of insurance products in the world.  They serve millions of customers and rake in billions of dollars every year.  They also have a history of shady and wrongful behavior, taking advantage of policyholders and exploiting loopholes to avoid payment on claims.  You don’t get to be one of… Read More »

Metlife Disability Claim Denial

Millions of people across the country apply for disability benefits each year.  Large insurance providers reject nearly half of those claims.  Insurance companies like Metropolitan Life Insurance Company are concerned first and foremost with their own bottom line.  They will look for any reason to deny a claim or limit a payout.  When your disability… Read More »

Metropolitan Life Insurance Claim Denial

In an ideal world, you would carefully choose a life insurance policy, pay your monthly premiums, and be done with it.  You would rest easy, knowing that your family will be taken care of should the worst happen.  Life insurance should be something that you pick once, or update periodically in line with your finances… Read More »

Minnesota Life Insurance Claim Denial

Picking life insurance should be like buying a couch: You shop around, find the one you like, buy it and then forget about it. Every so often, a big life event such as a marriage or birth will trigger a need to revisit your policy, but for the most part, as long as you pay… Read More »

Monarch Disability / Life Insurance Disability Claim

Insurance companies come and go like any other business.  Unlike many other businesses, however, when you purchase a life or disability insurance policy, you are specifically paying for something intended to last long-term.  Your premiums are an investment in the long-term viability of the policy.  Regardless of whether an insurance company is facing financial issues… Read More »

Mutual of Omaha Disability

Corporate insurance providers like Mutual of Omaha provide insurance coverage for millions of people, but they make their profit by carefully avoiding paying out benefits. Mutual of Omaha might look for any reason to deny your claims, whether justified or unjustified. Read More »

Nationwide Life Insurance

We’re all familiar with Nationwide’s advertising campaign. According to Nationwide, they’re “on your side.” Unfortunately, catchy slogans are not reality. Nationwide, like other large insurance companies, cares about one thing: profits. Far from being on your side, Nationwide and other life insurance companies will sometimes look for any reason to deny your life insurance claims,… Read More »

Northwestern Mutual Insurance Claim Denial

A serious illness or injury can upend your life.  You may find yourself unable to work and unable to perform regular daily activities with full steam, all while building up significant medical bills.  When you are hurt and unable to work, you reasonably expect to rely on the disability or health insurance your employer provides… Read More »

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Claim Denial

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris have spent decades helping Californians obtain the life insurance benefits they paid for. We know the tricks life insurance companies like Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company use to delay, undervalue, or outright deny claims. We know what evidence they accept as valid proof of a claim,… Read More »

Ohio National Disability Denial

Disability insurance is meant to help you when you are at your lowest.  You have been injured or suffered illness and are unable to work.  You turn to your disability insurance policy to cover you through short-term (STD) or long-term (LTD) disability, relying on the policy that you purchased or that your employer has provided… Read More »

Out-Of-Network Insurance Coverage Denial

Health insurance companies like to be in control. They want to be able to tell you what medical services you can receive, when you can receive them, and from which medical care providers you can receive those services. By controlling your health care options, the insurer can maximize its profits and minimize its payments. Many… Read More »

Own Occupation Disability Denial

Many occupations can accommodate some sort of permanent injury or disability. In many situations, people are able to adjust to a modified work setting, performing related or lighter duties while still remaining within the same field. For doctors, however, especially surgeons, dentists, and other hands-on medical professionals, even a small injury can spell the end… Read More »

Pacific Life Insurance Claim Denial

Pacific Life Insurance Company is an insurance company and financial services company that provides life insurance, annuities, and a number of financial services to clients across the United States. As of 2019, Pacific Life has over $170 billion in assets and has over $1.1 trillion in life insurance in force. Pacific Life is one of… Read More »

Primerica Life Insurance Claim Denial

The California insurance denial lawyers at Gianelli & Morris have spent decades helping the families of insured parties get the coverage they are owed. We’ve seen every trick in the book that Primerica Life and other insurance companies like to pull. We take large insurance companies to task for wrongfully denying claims, for delaying investigations,… Read More »

Principal Financial Disability Claim Denial

Whether you have disability insurance through your employer or you purchased your disability insurance separately, you are entitled to rely on the protections you have been guaranteed.  Unfortunately, disability insurance providers are often more worried about protecting their bottom line than they are about issuing the benefits that they have been paid to provide.  Millions… Read More »

Protective Life Insurance Denial

Protective Life Insurance Company, like other major life insurance companies, makes its money by collecting premiums. They do not make money by paying out on claims. At Gianelli & Morris, we make sure life insurance companies are forced to follow the guarantees in their policies and their duties under the law, regardless of their priorities.… Read More »

Prosthetic Limb Denials

After the loss of an arm or leg, amputees must relearn how to interact with the world around them. An amputation once meant that the amputee would never again be able to resume their normal life activities. However, the advances that have occurred in artificial limb technology in recent years offer prosthetic users far greater… Read More »

Prudential Insurance Company

Prudential Insurance is the United States’ largest insurance company. The massive conglomerate insurer and financial services provider is estimated to have assets worth over $1.4 trillion, employing nearly 50,000 people. When insurers become as monolithic as Prudential has, navigating the bureaucracy when you have a claim or dispute can be maddeningly inadequate. Many individuals with… Read More »

Punitive Damages Against Insurance Companies

Insurance companies owe a duty to policyholders and beneficiaries to act in good faith and for the benefit of the insured. They must take an objective look at the policy, the facts, and other circumstances in order to determine whether coverage is appropriate and how much to pay out in benefits. When they lie to… Read More »

Punitive Damages for Wrongful Insurance Claim Denials in California

When an insurance company denies a claim, the policyholder can face significant financial and emotional stress. If that denial was wrongful, the policyholder can sue to recover the benefits due on the policy, plus monetary damages to compensate them for economic losses and mental suffering associated with that wrongful denial. Read More »

Punitive Damages in Bad Faith Health Insurance Denial Cases

In a civil case, “damages” refers to the financial compensation an injured party can recover from the liable party for the harm they have suffered. Most damages are “compensatory” and include both economic and non-economic aspects. Economic damages include compensation for financial losses, such as medical bills or lost wages due to missed work or… Read More »

Reconstructive Surgery Denials

In the California area, it is typical that many individuals get cosmetic surgery in an attempt to feel better about themselves. Due to this fact, many insurance providers discount any request for plastic surgery of any kind, thinking that people are merely getting work done for self-esteem issues. There is, however, a major difference between… Read More »

Regal Medical Group Claim Denial

You pay your health and disability insurance premiums every month. Whether you pay for your health insurance separately or the premiums are deducted directly from your paycheck when you sign up for coverage, you expect coverage. When you suffer an injury or disability, you have the right to expect that you’ll be able to get… Read More »

Reliance Standard Disability Denial

The disability insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris are familiar with Reliance Standard and other large insurance providers just like them.  When an injury or illness renders you unable to work, you should be able to rely on your employer-provided or separately purchased disability insurance to cover your medical costs and lost income.  That… Read More »

Remedies for Bad Faith Insurance Practices

In the context of insurance practices, bad faith means that the insurer acted unreasonably or with an improper motive, typically in the context of denying a claim. Bad faith insurance is considered a “tort” in the law, which means a civil wrong committed by one party on another, for which the law provides a remedy. Read More »

RiverSource Life Insurance Claim Denial

If your life insurance claim was denied by Ameriprise Financial/RiverSource Life Insurance Company, we’re here to help you fight back. Call the California insurance claim denial law firm Gianelli & Morris for seasoned advice and representation. We’ll carefully review your policy, evaluate the reasons offered for your claim rejection, and make sure that your benefits… Read More »

Security Life of Denver

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris are ready to help you get the benefits you were wrongfully denied by Security Life of Denver or other life insurance companies in California. If your life insurance claim was denied by Security Life of Denver, or if you’ve been subject to other insurance bad faith… Read More »

Short-Term Disability Claims

Suffering a serious accident, whether inside or outside the workplace, is a jarring experience that can leave you uncertain about your future.  As medical bills and other expenses mount, many injured people find themselves unable to perform their normal job duties, either temporarily or permanently.  Your short-term disability insurance (STDI) is meant to start shortly… Read More »

Standard Insurance Company Disability Denial

If you have been disabled due to illness or injury, the last thing you need is a protracted legal battle with your insurance company.  Whether you have a policy through your employer or you purchased your disability insurance separately, you should at least be able to rely on the coverage you were guaranteed while you… Read More »

Standard Insurance Company Insurance Denial

Standard Insurance Company is one of the largest providers of insurance in the country. They sell all manner of insurance products, including group and individual life and disability insurance. For as long as Standard Insurance has been providing insurance coverage for individuals and employers, they’ve been nickel and diming customers along the way. In recent… Read More »

State Farm Life Insurance Claim Denial

You shouldn’t have to think about your life insurance more than once in a blue moon. You browse your options, pick a plan that’s right for you, fill out the application, and sign on the dotted line. You may reconsider your policy as part of your financial planning or estate planning every so often, but… Read More »

Sun Life Insurance Disability Claim Denial

Sun Life Insurance Company is one of the leading providers of group life and disability insurance in North America. Though based out of Canada, they are subject to U.S. federal and state laws. Like all other insurance companies, they have a responsibility to respond to policyholder claims in good faith, conducting fair claim investigations and… Read More »

Sun Life Life Insurance Company Denial

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris are ready to help you push back against an improper claim denial by Sun Life or any other California life insurance company. If your life insurance claim was denied by Sun Life, or if you’ve been subjected to other insurance bad faith conduct, our Southern California… Read More »

Surgery Insurance Denials

Health insurance is designed to help the average person afford the costliest medical expenses. By and large, most of us need relatively little medical care until a major need arises. When those needs do come, such as a need for surgery to alleviate a painful condition, we should be able to trust that the insurance… Read More »

The Grievance Process Required by Law for Insurance Policyholders

In the language of California insurance law, if you have a complaint about the quality of care or service you are getting from your insurance company, that complaint is technically known as a grievance. Read More »

Transamerica Life Insurance Claim Denial

Life insurance companies, like other insurance providers, seem to care more about their bottom line than they do about their policyholders or beneficiaries.  When a policy is triggered, big life insurance companies like Transamerica Corporation may aggressively hunt for any reason to deny claims and reduce payouts.  They might claim that a cause of death… Read More »

Underpayment of Claims

As a policyholder, it is critical that you know the details of the contract with your insurer. When you pay your premium on time and are a loyal customer for many years, you should expect for them to follow through on their job. If they intentionally attempt to underpay you for any reason when you… Read More »

Understanding Medi-Cal’s HMO-Based System and Its Implications for Healthcare Consumers

Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program, offers health coverage to low-income individuals and families, ensuring that eligible residents have access to necessary medical services. Medi-Cal provides those services through an HMO-based model of healthcare delivery. Read More »

Understanding the Standard Nonforfeiture Law for Life Insurance in California

Life insurance provides valuable protection for family members who might otherwise face severe financial distress after the death of a loved one. Life insurance helps pay for a funeral and burial, cover final medical costs which are often exorbitant, and keep up with financial obligations like house and car payments while dealing with a loss… Read More »

Unfair Annuity Sales Practice

In a deferred annuity, a purchaser deposits premiums and receives a rate of return, the realization of which is deferred until the term of the annuity. At the annuity term, the purchaser has the option of "Annuitizing," that is, receiving periodic payments at a set interest rate. Surrender charges, which decrease over time, are imposed… Read More »

Unum Disability Claim Denials

Unum Group is one of the largest and most high-profile disability insurance companies in the country.  It also has a reputation as being one of the most unscrupulous insurance providers when it comes to disability claims.  Going back at least two decades, Unum has been accused of claim-cutting.  Former Unum employees have come forward to… Read More »

Unum Life Insurance Claim Denial

The life insurance denial attorneys at Gianelli & Morris have spent decades helping Californians get the life insurance benefits they deserve. If you’ve been a customer of Unum or any Unum subsidiary and your life insurance claim has been wrongfully denied, you do not have to take that rejection at face value. Unum has a… Read More »

Voya Life Insurance Denial

Big insurance companies like Voya (also known as ReliaStar) are concerned first and foremost with one thing: profits. They’re in the business to collect premiums, not pay out on claims. Life insurance companies are on the lookout for any reason they can drum up to deny your life insurance claim. When your life insurance claim… Read More »

West Coast Life Insurance Claim Denial

If your life insurance claim was denied by West Coast Life Insurance Company, we’re here to help you fight back. Call the claim denial law firm Gianelli & Morris for seasoned advice and representation. We’ll carefully review your policy, evaluate the reasons offered for your claim rejection, and make sure that your benefits have not… Read More »

Wrongful Cancellation

Health insurance is supposed to be there for policyholders when they need it most by covering the cost of treatment for serious illnesses and injuries that they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise. Despite the fact that insurance customers may have paid insurance premiums for months or years before seeking coverage for costly treatment, insurers… Read More »

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